Today my units were met with an opposing American force consisting of numerous infantry and armored units. Force lists were as follows:
One Reinforced Platoon consisting of:
- A Waffen SS First Lieutenant
- A Waffen SS 7 man squad w/ mg team included
- A Waffen SS 6 man squad w/ mg team
- A Heer Engineer Squad w/ anti tank rifle
- A Waffen SS Captain
- A Waffen SS sniper team
- A SdKFZ 251 Halftrack
- A Puma Armored Car
- A Fallshirmjager anti tank rifle team
- A Waffen SS PAK 40 Anti Tank Gun
- A Waffen SS Panzershrek Team
- A Waffen SS MG42 Team
- 3 Airborne squads
- 1 Sherman 3 tank platoon
- 1 M10 Tank Destroyer
- 1 GMC Truck
- 1 Forward Observation Team
- 2 Regular Army Squads
The scenario that was being played out was that the Americans were advancing to take the town from the Germans. Months prior the Germans took the town from the Russians. The German, due to lack of defense supplies, were unable to construct fortifications in the town adn had to rely on natural defenses to assist in the defense of the town.
The initial movements consisted of airborne troops moving towards the numerous hedgerows that were on the outskirts of the town. The Germans were alerted to possible attack due to a Heer Enginer squad on patrol and they overheard the noise of the tanks. By the time the squad was able to see tanks crossing the south bridge, the observed a squad boarding a truck on the bridge north west of the south bridge. They also observed a smoke column from the M10 that was now coming into view. A Fallshirmjager anti-tank rifle team had taken up position in the woods and camouflaged themselves to assist with defending the town. Their hopes were to disable a vehicle on the bridge in an attempt to funnel the tanks into one of the killing fields where the portable anti-tank weapons could be more useful. As the troop transport crossed the bridge, the anti-tank rifle fired a round at the truck. The round missed and the truck stopped. Now with their attention being focused on the anti tank rifle, the M10 began coming towards the area.
Airborne units began moving towards the patchwork of hedgerows in an attempt to enter the town from the south. The Sherman tanks began to make their way over as well. With the anti tank team exposed, they made a run for the northern part of town, but not before being pinned down my the squad that dismounted from the transport truck. The M10 also joined the part a fired a round at them. The round missed and struck the building near them. Stunned the anti-tank rifle was able to take cover. The M10 began crossing the bridge. Withe bridge being arched, on the downward slope, the top of the tank, and crew were exposed. This was an opportune time for the PAK 40 to fire on the tank. After a few exchanges, the PAK 40 was able to hit the tank and cause a fire. The crew of the M10 was able to extinguish the fire, but discovered that the PAK was able to cause enough damage to jam the turret.
The north side of town became an exchange of high explosive rounds with little to no result until the anti-tank rifle set up in an effort to knock the tank out once and for all. This proved to be a failed effort as the M10 was able to take out the tank tank rifle with its main gun in one shot. A stalemate ensued on the north end which allowed the dismounted squad to enter the forest and the troop truck to escape over the bridge.
On the south side of town, Sherman tanks were able to plow through the hedge rows and advance toward the town. The airborne units had now pushed towards the hedgerows and were at the last set, even after being slowed down by farm fields. As the units approached the town, a MG42 opened up from the second floor of a house struck by a artillery shell. The MG team was unsuccessful in slowing the advance and was wiped out by a Sherman tank and a bazooka team.

As the MG team opened up, a Puma Armored Car arrived and observed the attack which wiped out the only fixed MG team in the area. The crew of the PUMA radioed for reinforcements to assist as they new infantry were pushed from the south. The Puma crew was also able to catch something else. The observed the commander of the tank platoon was directing units to push forward. The crew took this opportunity to strike while the iron was hot and fired a round at the turret of the Sherman. DIRECT HIT! The puma destroyed the Sherman and all of the crew was killed, including the commander.

Another SS squad moved forward to assist with repelling the invading forces. The engineers could hear units clearing the first block of houses and pulled back to assist in defense of the church.The engineers came under fire from the invading units as well as the gun crew from the PAK. The M10, now having infantry moving up to flank, began its assault forward. The engineers assisted in attempts to repel the tank but the soldier equipped with the anti tank rifle could not score a hit. As the battle raged on, the engineer squad suffered casualties but by the heroic acts of the medic, this was kept to a minimum. By this time the PAK gun had been knocked out and the two of the crew were killed and the gun ablaze.
The SS squad who moved to assist now moved up to the second floor of a house that overlooked the road. The German halftrack was able to escape being shot by anti tank weapons and made it to the north end of town where another SS squad was able to dismount. The US squad fired on the halftrack pinning the crew, but the gunner on the rear of the halftrack returned fire with the MG 42. Killing the bazooka team.
By this time, the M10 was entering the town when a SS Soldier aimed a pazerfaust and fired into the side of the tank. As the soldier fired, the MG team with the squad was taking aim into the open top of the M10, hoping to take advantage of the high ground. Thinking this was the end, other soldiers prepared to assault the M10 for the Fatherland. To the surprise of the soldiers, and the First LT. who was overseeing this, the panzerfaust hit its make, subsequently knocking out the tank and killing the crew.
The Americans had now advanced to the next block and the Sherman tanks were inching closer, take shots at the Puma that knocked out their commander. The Americans had entered the church where a sniper team had taken a shot at some infantry entering the north of the town. The shot had missed and an assault of the bell tower was being planned.
The assaulters entered the bell tower, killing the sniper. A struggle continued with the second soldier being taken prisoner. Prior to the assault, the panzershrek team was firing rounds at the advancing tanks, in an effort to give the Germans the upper hand. This proved unsuccessful, and the team was forced to displace and head for another part of the town.
In the end teh Americans were able to take the town back and push the Germans out. However the Germans had a tactical victory for knocking out he bazooka teams and two of the four tanks.