Monday, April 30, 2018


So in March the annual Cold Wars was held at the Host Conference Center in Lancaster Pennsylvania. A few months prior was the Fall In convention at the same location. I enjoy going ot these events to pick up some items a the Flea Market for a great price and for checking out gaming tables. I use this as a way to gather ideas for terrain for the tabletop so i can make things a little more interesting. 

One of the first tables I as was a demo game for Chain of Command by Two Fat Lardies. The terrain was amazing. the town was great and the cobblestone streets were amazing. I asked the guy at the table how he got the streets to look like that. He said he was able to get a cobble stone picture and had the picture printed on the cloth at his local Wal-Mart. The detail of this was AMAZING. 

The game they were playing was the Allies and the French Resistance against the Germans at a U-Boat dock. 

After lunch and walking around. I headed on down to the Bolt Action tournament that was going on. I got a watch a few games. All the games were objective based with the standard 3 turns. Maybe next year I will get one of my armies together and use them for a tourney. Some of the models out there were just amazing. 

Lastly here is a little overview of the trip to the vendor area and the flea market. Flea market was great. Was able to get a number of figures to finish out a Waffen SS cavalry unit. I also picked up some guys for my Finnish Army. I picked up some of the ski troops as well as a bunch of primed figures. I'm not sure of the maker but they will ad variety. I also picked up the Historicon 2017 figure from Warlord Games for a $1.00 at the flea market. I picked up some other random figures to add variety. I also picked up a Heer mortar team and the Waffen SS Pioneers. All in all it was a good convention. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Long Overdue Update

Been almost 4 months since I have updated the blog. There have been a lot of projects that have been ongoing. Looking forward to getting them complete and posting about them. In the mean time I plan on getting as much content out there as I can, and hope the the work life doesn't get in the way as much as it has the past few months.

Things to look forward to:

  • Some new models have been built and will provide some posts on them
  • Review of the Warlord Games Waffen SS plastic range
  • Review and pictures of the Warlord Stug G I built and painted
  • Review and pictures of the Company B SiG Self-propelled gun
  • Pictures and tips on building terrain
  • Review of my trip to Cold Wars in Lancaster, PA.

Stay tuned there is a lot on the way!