My friend came over and we were able to get some gaming in again this month. I got to use a new foldable table i picked up as COSTCO. Its 6ft by 3ft. Great little table. Put my green felt cloth down and some felt and MDF roads. Town is still a work in progress. Looked to try and get 3 games in but we were only able to get two in. Below are the battle reports for each game.
Game 1: Meeting Engagement
Germans vs. United States 500 pts.
I was the Germans and my army conisted of two 10 man Fallshirmjager Squads, a halftrack w/ a forward and rear facing MG all under command of a Second Lt. First move of the game the American infantry began pushing forward. First German move saw the half-track moving forward loaded with a squad of soldiers.
The Americans held up on the house pushed forward to try and take some real estate on the left. The FJ squad pushed forward and assaulted the building. Had to hand combat ensued. Victory was had by the Germans, but at losses. Another assault occurred and the remained of the squad was killed. Their deaths, however would not be in vein! The second squad assaulted, killing the American squad with only suffering minimal losses. The remained of the squad pushed forward to flank the unit that killed the Second LTt. They arrived behind and killed the unit.
The Germans won the battle as the game had ended at the conclusion of turn 6.
Game Two: Control Point
Germans vs. Americans 1000pts
- Town Bridge
- Crossroads
- Sandbag Bunker
- Ammo Dump
I was the Germans again and my army consisted of the following:
1 assault engineer squad
1 Heer squad w/ MG
1 half-track
1 Puma Armored Car
1 Marader III H
1 MG 42 team
1 Second LT w/ assistant
1 PAK 40 AT Gun
Opening move saw a strong push by the American armor. A Sherman moved to the crossroads and took up position. Next move the Germans opened up with the PAk 40, disabling it and jamming the turret. American units reacted by another tank firing on the PAK. One of the crewman was killed but the unit remained strong.
As some infantry moved up, the Puma pushed hard up the road and set up for a tank kill on the next turn. However this would be short lived as the second Sherman killed the Puma with one shot.
Combat remained fierce and units pushed hard. The Germans then saw the destruction of their Marader III in turn 3. Infantry units were able to take up positions and slow the American advance At the end of Turn 3 the Germans held the ammo dump and sandbag bunker, and the Americans held the Bridge and Crossroads.
The Americans pushed the right flank and eventually overwhelmed the Engineer Squad that held the sandbag bunker. The Americans pushed in and eliminated the Heer squad. At the end of the game the Americans held 3 of the 4 objectives.